What is Asbestos? Where is it likely to be found within a house?

There are basically two types of asbestos materials used in construction. Friable and bonded. Friable asbestos is the most dangerous and is usually found in thermal insulation and pipe lagging type of insulation and is not commonly found in domestic buildings. Bonded asbestos material however can be found in most domestic buildings constructed before the […]

Termite damage in NSW homes has been estimated to exist in at least one in five homes and approximately thirty percent of homes in Sydney have had some form of Termite activity The CSIRO has rated Sydney as the second highest risk zone in Australia for Termite attack. Economically termites cause more damage to timber […]
Timber Borers – What are they?

Wood Borers Wood borers are insects that live on timber. Most are related to beetles moths and wasps. Some species attack live trees some dead trees and some live on dead wood. Certain borers can have an adverse affect on the structural performance of timber in use in the construction of buildings. Timber Pest Inspectors […]
Wood Decay – What’s the big problem?

Wood decay Wood rot or wood decay is the most common defect found in Sydney properties and is mostly underestimated by homebuyers property owners and property professionals. Wood decay causes significantly more damage in dollar value than termites and can have far reaching structural consequences particularly in external timber structures such as steps handrails and […]
Building and Pest Inspection – Subfloor

Another reason to get a building and pest inspection Sub-floors within houses provide a wealth of information which is useful to prospective buyers The sub-floor can reveal any moisture related problems such as leaking wet areas bathrooms kitchens laundries site drainage issues lack of adequate structural support or subsiding piers/footings as well as evidence of […]
Building and Pest Inspection

During a Building and Pest Inspection we assess the location of garden beds relative to the property Garden beds are not recommended against the side of buildings Excessive watering can cause a range of moisture related problems If gardens are located against a building they should be kept below internal floor levels by a minimum […]
Downlights – a common safety hazard found during Building Inspections

Low voltage flush mount downlights are common in modern and renovated homes These fittings generate large amounts of heat and can pose a possible fire risk when not installed properly Where insulation is present suitable fire rated fittings should be installed They should be free from lose material such as insulation timber framing members debris […]
Termites and Concrete Slab Homes

Many home owners assume that a concrete slab and external brick walls prevents termites from accessing their home This is untrue Termites can gain access over the slab edge and can travel through brick mortar joints and weep holes in external brickwork They also gain access through cracks in the slab and slab penetrations such […]